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Productivity studies confirm it-----

Headsets improve workplace efficiency
productivity as much as 43%.


Phone Time Usage
In a commissioned study, the firm of H.B. Maynard & Co. concluded that adding hands-free headsets to conventional office telephones substantially improves productivity and overall call volume, while reducing phone-related employee downtime and physical discomfort.

In the course of the study, more than 2,000 telephone transactions were observed and recorded on a time/motion basis at four firms over an eight-day study period. Workgroups studied included inside sales people, travel agents, technical sales support personnel and stockbrokers with previous headset experience.

The results showed that workers equipped with headsets had an overall producitivity increase of up to 43% over the control group. Time spent in telephone related work activites was reduced substantially. Repeat calls were made without interruption, and ordinarily time-intensive tasks, such as typing on a PC were performed far more quickly and efficiently with headsets. Not only was a reduced error rate and improved service record noted, but workers on the phone full-time with headsets placed an average of 16 more calls per day than those using traditional handsets.

Finally, workers equipped with headsets reported higher morale, lower fatigue levels and fewer phone-related physical complaints; after more than a week using headsets, they couldn't imagine going back to using cumbersome handset phones.


*H.B.Maynard Study courtesy of Plantronics.

Updated April 16, 2002 ©1999-2002 Phonex Communications, Inc.

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